
The video Cenit tells a love story that is a metaphor for the celestial moment when the sun casts no shadow. Spinoza’s Ethics and an archaeological examination of Aztec ruins serve as the point of departure for a theory of reality and emotions. In Asef’s view, reconstructing and representing real space in the mind draws on the same mental processes used for constructing the idea of love and happiness. Accordingly, wandering the earth induces an emotional experience that prompts the main character of Cenit to search for the geographical point of happiness.

The work was presented in 2018 at The Drawing Hub Berlin, Germany / Griffin Art Projects, Vancouver, Canada and Wildpalms, Düsseldorf, Germany.

single screen projection / duration: 11’ 54’’ min / system: HD Pal – Color / audio: Stereo Digital

Exhibition images by Achim Kukulies and Mario Asef

Cenit –installatoin view, wild palms, Düsseldorf
Cenit –installatoin view, wild palms, Düsseldorf
Cenit –installatoin view, The Drawing Hub, Berlin
Cenit –installatoin view, wild palms, Düsseldorf
Cenit –installatoin view, The Drawing Hub, Berlin
Cenit –drawing, mix media on millimetre paper
Cenit –drawing, mix media on millimetre paper
Cenit –drawing, mix media on millimetre paper
Cenit –video still–
Cenit –video still–
Cenit –video still–


download PDF – Cenit Blatt